Punta Cana (Bavaro) to Santo Domingo Airport (SDQ) max. 13 passengers

Punta Cana (Bavaro) to Santo Domingo Airport (SDQ) max. 13 passengers
From USD $199.99
  • Product code: BAVSDQ13OW

Private One-Way Transfer from Santo Domingo Airport (SDQ) to Punta Cana (Bavaro)  10 to 13 passengers Minivan. - Return option U$379.99 - Price per Vehicle - Taxes & Fees included

Optional Child Seats can be added to the service during checkout.

We monitor your actual arrival time - so - don't worry if you will arrive earlier or with delay - we will be waiting for you - no matter how long your delay is. We also calculate the time you need to go through customs and luggage claim after your landing and estimate this time to be between 15 min and 1 hour. If you will not be through customs, and luggage claim within 90 min after your plane landed please give us a call.

Cancellation Policy for Private Transfers: If cancelled more than 12 hours before your scheduled arrival time or pick up time at the hotel there is no penalty - we will refund your money - no questions asked. If you experience problems with your flight itinerary, connection flights etc., we will adapt to your needs (pick you up later or at a different airport etc.) or refund your money in case you just cannot make it because of flight cancellations etc.. If you cancel less than 12 hour before your scheduled arrival time or pick up time at the hotel we will refund 60 %. We will NOT REFUND in case of "NO SHOW" (No Show means that we expect the client at the airport or at the hotel and client just doesn't show up without any prior notice).